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Below is a list of known MLS associations. Most all MLS associations will provide a RETS feed that we can use to integrated with our real estate IDX websites.
Baldwin County MLS
Birmingham Area MLS
Columbus Georgia MLS
Dothan MLS
Gulf Coast Alabama MLS
Lake Martin Area MLS
Lee County MLS
Monroe County AL MLS
Montgomery MLS
Northern Alabama Regional Info System
Phenix City Board of Realtors
West Alabama MLS
Alaska MLS
Southeast Alaska MLS
Arizona Regional MLS
Central Arizona MLS
Fredonia Listing Service
Gila Valley MLS
Globe/Miami Listing Service
Green Valley-Sahuarita
Northern Arizona AOR
Northwest Arizona MLS
Page/Lake Powell MLS
Prescott MLS
Santa Cruz County MLS
Sedona Verde MLS
Southeast Arizona MLS
Western Arizona Realtor Data Exchange
White Mountain MLS
Willcox Listing Service
Arkansas Regional MLS
Cooperative Arkansas MLS
Jonesboro MLS
Mountain Home MLS
Antelope Valley MLS
Bakersfield MLS
Bakersfield MLS (Dave W.)
Bay Area Real Estate Info Services
Big Bear MLS
Calaveras County MLS
California Real Estate Dynamic Data
California Regional MLS
Central Coast Regional MLS
Combined L.A. Westside MLS
Desert MLS
East Bay Reg Data - MAX MLS
Fresno MLS
Greater San Diego Association of REALTORS
Humboldt MLS
Idyllwild Association of Realtors
Incline Village MLS
Inyo Multiple Listing Service
Lassen MLS
Lompoc Valley MLS
Mammoth Lakes MLS
MetroList - Sacramento
Modoc County MLS
Nevada County MLS
North San Diego County Association of REALTORS®
Pacific Southwest Association of REALTORS®
Pasadena Foothills MLS
Plumas MLS
San Francisco MLS
Santa Barbara MLS
Shasta MLS
Sierra North Valley MLS
Siskiyou MLS
Southern California MLS
Southern Sierra MLS
Tahoe Sierra MLS
Tehachapi MLS
Trinity County MLS
Tulare County MLS
Tuolumne County MLS
Ventura County Regional Data Share
Aspen Glenwood Springs MLS
Chaffee County MLS
Colorado Real Estate Network
Grand County MLS
Grand Junction MLS
Gunnison Country MLS
Information and Real Estate Services
Pikes Peak MLS
Pueblo MLS
Spanish Peaks MLS
Steamboat Springs MLS
Summit County MLS
Telluride MLS
Vail Multi List
Westcliffe Listing Service
Connecticut Statewide MLS
Consolidated MLS
Greenwich MLS
Massachusetts MLS Property Info Network
Coastal Association MLS
Sussex County MLS
Trend MLS
El Salvador
El Salvador MLS
Amelia Island Nassau County MLS
Bonita Springs MLS
Brevard MLS
Cape Coral MLS
Citrus County MLS
Daytona Beach Area MLS
Emerald Coast MLS
Flagler County MLS
Florida Keys MLS
Fort Lauderdale MLS
Fort Myers MLS
Franklin and Gulf Counties MLS
Gainesville-Alachua County MLS
Heartland Florida MLS
Hernando County MLS
Indian River MLS
Key West MLS
Marco Island MLS
Martin County MLS
Mid-Florida Regional MLS
Naples MLS
Navarre Area MLS
New Smyrna Beach MLS
North Florida MLS
Northeast Florida MLS
Ocala Marion MLS
Palm Beach Board of Realtors MLS
Palm Beach Regional MLS
Panama City MLS
Pensacola MLS
Sanibel and Captiva Islands MLS
South Broward MLS
Southeast Florida MLS
St John/St Augustine
Sunshine MLS
Tallahassee MLS
Albany Georgia MLS
Athens Area MLS
Augusta Georgia MLS
Columbus Georgia MLS
Georgia MLS
Mid Georgia MLS
Mountain Lakes MLS
Northeast Georgia MLS
River Counties MLS
Savannah Multi List
Thomasville MLS
Upstate MLS
Valdosta MLS
Hawaii Central MLS
Hawaii Info Service
Maui MLS
Honduras MLS
Roatan Island MLS
Idaho Mountain Central MLS
Intermountain MLS
Lewis Clark MLS
Mini-Cassia MLS
Pocatello MLS
Salmon River MLS
Snake River MLS
Sun Valley MLS
Bloomington-Normal MLS
Capital Area MLS
Champaign County MLS
Decatur MLS
Eastern Iowa - Western Illinois Commercial MLS
Egyptian MLS
Mid Valley MLS
Midwest Real Estate Data
Quad City MLS
Rockford MLS
Sauk Valley MLS
Southwestern Illinois Regional MLS
Fort Wayne MLS
Greater Northwest Indiana MLS
Greater South Bend - Mishawaka MLS
Indiana Regional MLS
Lafayette MLS
Metro Search MLS
Metropolitan Indianapolis MLS
North Central Indiana MLS
Northeastern Indiana MLS (NEIAR)
South Central Indiana Listing Exchange
Southeastern Indiana MLS
Southern Indiana MLS
Southwest Indiana MLS
Ames MLS
Carroll MLS
Cedar Rapids MLS
Clinton MLS
Des Moines MLS
Iowa City Area MLS
Mason City MLS
Mount Pleasant MLS
Quad City MLS
Southwest Iowa MLS
Spirit Lake MLS
Heartland MLS
Hutchinson MLS
Junction City MLS
Lawrence MLS
Manhattan MLS
Salina MLS
South Central Kansas MLS
Topeka MLS
Wichita Falls MLS
Ashland Kentucky MLS
Henderson Audubon MLS
Huntington MLS
Lexington Bluegrass MLS
Metro Search MLS
Northern Kentucky MLS
Old Kentucky Home MLS
Reelfoot Regional MLS
Acadiana MLS
Baton Rouge MLS
Gulf South Real Estate Info Network
Natchez MLS
Natchitoches MLS
Northwest Louisiana MLS
Southwest Louisiana MLS
Massachusetts MLS Property Info Network
Northern New England Real Estate Network
Coastal Association MLS
Metropolitan Regional Information Systems
Trend MLS
York and Adams County MLS
Massachusetts MLS Property Info Network
Northern New England Real Estate Network
Ann Arbor MLS
Jackson MLS
Lenawee County MLS
MI Real Source
Midland MLS
Monroe County MI MLS
Southwest Michigan MLS
Traverse MLS
Arrowhead MLS
Bemidji MLS
Duluth MLS
Greater Alexandria Area MLS
Greater Lakes MLS
Itasca County MLS
Lakes Country MLS
Metro Milwaukee MLS
Range MLS
Regional MLS
Shared Association Services and Information
Southeast Minnesota MLS
Southern Minnesota MLS
Baton Rouge MLS
Jackson MLS
Memphis MLS
Mississippi Gulf Coast MLS
Natchez MLS
Northwest Mississippi MLS
Columbia MLS
Heartland MLS
Jefferson City MLS
Lake of the Ozarks MLS
Mid America Regional Info Systems
Midwest Missouri MLS
Pulaski County MLS
Sedalia Warsaw MLS
South Central Missouri MLS
Springfield Multilist
St. Joseph Regional MLS
Three Rivers MO MLS
Billings MLS
Butte MLS
Eastern Montana MLS
Glendive Montana MLS
Helena MLS
Lincoln County MLS
Missoula MLS
My State Montana
Northwest Montana MLS
Southwest Montana MLS
Omaha MLS
Scotts Bluff County MLS
Elko County MLS
Five County MLS
Incline Village MLS
Las Vegas MLS
Mesquite Nevada MLS
Northern Nevada Regional MLS
Nye County Commercial MLS
South Tahoe MLS
Tahoe Sierra MLS
Washington County MLS
New Hampshire
Massachusetts MLS Property Info Network
Northern New England Real Estate Network
New Jersey
Cape May County MLS
Garden State MLS
Hudson County MLS
Jersey Shore MLS
Middlesex County MLS
Monmouth Ocean MLS
New Jersey MLS
South Jersey Shore Regional MLS
Trend MLS
New Mexico
El Paso MLS
Las Cruces MLS
New Mexico Multi-Board MLS
Otero County MLS
Roswell MLS
Ruidoso-Lincoln County MLS
San Juan County MLS
Santa Fe MLS
Silver City Regional MLS
Southwest MLS
New York
Adirondack-Champlain Valley MLS
Brooklyn MLS
Capital Region MLS
Columbia Greene MLS
Commercial and Industrial Real Estate Brokers
Empire Access MLS
Fulton County MLS
Greater Hudson Valley MLS
Jefferson-Lewis MLS
Long Island MLS
Mid-Hudson Multiple Listing Service
New York State Alliance MLS
Pike/Wayne MLS
Staten Island MLS
Sullivan County MLS
Ulster County MLS
Warren County MLS
North Carolina
Brunswick County MLS
Burlington Alamance MLS
Carolina Data Share
Carolina MLS
Catawba Valley MLS
Coastal Carolinas MLS
Crystal Coast MLS
Fayetteville Regional MLS
Greenville Pitt MLS
Highland Cashiers MLS
Jacksonville MLS
Mountain Lakes MLS
Neuse River MLS
North Carolina Mountains MLS
Northeast Georgia MLS
Outer Banks MLS
Piedmont Regional MLS
Pinehurst-Southern Pines MLS
Real Estate Information Network
Rocky Mount Area MLS
Tennessee Virginia Regional MLS
Three Rivers-NC Washington-Beaufort MLS
Topsail Island MLS
Triad MLS
Triangle MLS
Wilmington Regional MLS
Wilson MLS
North Dakota
Bismarck-Mandan MLS
Regional MLS
Athens County MLS
Centralized Real Estate Systems
Columbus BoR (Central Ohio)
Dayton MLS
Firelands MLS
Huntington MLS
Mid Ohio Valley MLS
MLS of Greater Cincinnati
Northeast Ohio Real Estate Exchange
Northern Ohio Real Estate Info Systems
Northern Ohio Regional MLS
Scioto Valley Association of Realtors
Enid County MLS
Lawton MLS
Muskogee MLS
Northeast Oklahoma Real Estate Services
Oklahoma City Metro MLS
Southern Oklahoma MLS
Central Oregon MLS
Intermountain MLS
Klamath County MLS
Lake County MLS
Lincoln County MLS
Regional Multiple Listing Service-Oregon-Washington
Southern Oregon MLS
Willamette Valley MLS
Allegheny Highland MLS
Central Penn Multi-List
Centre County MLS
Erie MLS
Greater Wilkes Barre MLS
Hazleton MLS
Keystone Multi-List
Lehigh Valley MLS
Metropolitan Regional Information Systems
Pike/Wayne MLS
Pocono Mountains MLS
Schuylkill County MLS
Scranton MLS
Trend MLS
York and Adams County MLS
Rhode Island
Massachusetts MLS Property Info Network
Rhode Island State Wide MLS
South Carolina
Aiken MLS
Augusta Georgia MLS
Beaufort MLS
Brunswick County MLS
Carolina MLS
Charleston Trident MLS
Coastal Carolinas MLS
Consolidated SC MLS
Greater Greenville MLS
Greenwood SC MLS
Hilton Head MLS
Pee Dee MLS
Piedmont Regional MLS
Spartanburg MLS
Sumter MLS
Upstate MLS
South Dakota
Black Hills MLS
Sioux Empire MLS
Central West Tennessee
Greater Smokey Mountains MLS
Knoxville MLS
Lakeway Area MLS
Memphis MLS
Mountain Lakes MLS
Northern Alabama Regional Info System
Reelfoot Regional MLS
River Counties MLS
Shoals MLS
Tennessee Virginia Regional MLS
Upper Cumberland MLS
Austin MLS
Beaumont MLS
Bryan-College Station MLS
Calhoun County MLS
Central Texas MLS
Coastal Bend MLS
El Paso MLS
Fort Hood MLS
Galveston MLS
Gillespie County MLS
Highland Lakes MLS
Houston MLS
Kerrville MLS
Laredo MLS
Lubbock MLS
McAllen MLS
North Texas Real Estate Info Systems
Odessa MLS
Permian Basin MLS
Port Neches-Port Arthur-Nederland MLS
San Antonio MLS
Temple-Belton MLS
Texas Association of Realtors
Tyler MLS
Big Water MLS
Central Utah MLS
Duck Creek MLS
Garfield/Piute County MLS
Iron County MLS
Kanab Utah MLS
Manual Entry
Park City MLS
Wasatch Front Regional MLS
Washington County MLS
Northern New England Real Estate Network
Central Virginia Regional MLS
Charlottesville MLS
Chesapeake Bay and Rivers MLS
Greater Augusta MLS
Harrisonburg Rockingham MLS
Lynchburg MLS
Metropolitan Regional Information Systems
New River Valley MLS
Real Estate Information Network
Roanoke Valley MLS
Tennessee Virginia Regional MLS
Williamsburg MLS
Commercial Brokers Association
Lewis Clark MLS
Lower Yakima Valley MLS
North Central Washington
Northeast Washington MLS
Northwest Multiple Listing Service
Olympic Listing Service
Regional Multiple Listing Service-Oregon-Washington
Spokane MLS
Tri-City MLS
Walla Walla MLS
West Virginia
Greenbrier Valley MLS
Huntington MLS
Kanawha Valley MLS
Metropolitan Regional Information Systems
Mid Ohio Valley MLS
Central Wisconsin MLS
Door County MLS
Duluth MLS
Greater Northwoods MLS
Metro Milwaukee MLS
Northeast Wisconsin MLS
Northwest Wisconsin MLS
Regional MLS
Shared Association Services and Information
South Central Wisconsin MLS
Southeast Minnesota MLS
Superior MLS
Wisconsin Real Estate Exchange
Cheyenne MLS
Sheridan County MLS
Teton MLS
Wyoming MLS